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Head of Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies

Dr hab. Jan Brzozowski, Prof. UJ

Dr hab. Jan Brzozowski, Prof. UJ

Editor-in-Chief of Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora


Research interests: economics of international migration, including socio-economic adaptation, entrepreneurship, social remittances, return migration, transnationalism.

Selected publications:

  1. Brzozowski, J., Cucculelli, M., & Surdej, A. (2017). The determinants of transnational entrepreneurship and transnational ties’ dynamics among immigrant entrepreneurs in ICT sector in Italy. International Migration, 55(3), 105-125.
  2. Zubair, M., & Brzozowski, J. (2018). Entrepreneurs from recent migrant communities and their business sustainability. Sociologica, 12(2), 57-72.
  3. Brzozowski, J., & Coniglio, N. (2021). International migration and the (un) happiness push: Evidence from Polish longitudinal data. International Migration Review, 55(4), 1089-1120.
  4. Brzozowski, J., Šimić Banović, R., & Alpeza, M. (2022). Overcoming constraints to immigrant entrepreneurship in Croatia: the role of formal and informal institutions. Post-Communist Economies, 34(8), 1109-1136.
  5. Stonawski, M., Brzozowski, J., Pędziwiatr, K., & Georgati, M. (2022). Investigating neighbourhood concentration of immigrants in Poland: explorative evidence from Kraków. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, (56), 143-159.

Research projects: Future Migration Scenarios for Europe (FUME), Policy REcommendations to Maximise the beneficial Impact of Unexplored Mobilities in and beyond the European Union (Premium_EU), Migration Crisis in Latin America – coping and adaptation strategies of Venezuelan migrants and their families and the risk of global migration crisis (MICLACAS), Refugee entrepreneurship and socio-economic adaptation: the case of Ukrainians in Kraków agglomeration.

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Secretary of Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies

Dr Joanna Kulpińska

Dr Joanna Kulpińska


Research interests: transatlantic migrations, Sociology of migration, historical sociology, migration policy, chain migration.

Selected publications:

  1. Kulpińska, J. (2022). „Rodzinne mikrohistorie, łańcuchy i sieci migracyjne do Stanów Zjednoczonych na przestrzeni stulecia : analiza porównawcza wychodźstwa z polskiej, niemieckiej i szwedzkiej wsi.” Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 66(4), 91–111.
  2. Kulpińska J. (2019). Transatlantyckie trendy migracyjne na przestrzeni stulecia. Studium przypadku wychodźstwa z powiatu strzyżowskiego, Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, ss. 311.
  3. Kulpińska J. (2019). „The Role and Functionality of Regional Migration Networks over the 20th Century. The Case Study of the Strzyżów District”. Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, 3 (173): 119–135.
  4. Kulpińska J. (2018), Migracje z polskiej wsi do Stanów Zjednoczonych: listy pasażerów statków z Archiwum Ellis Island jako źródło informacji o transatlantyckich migracjach (studium przypadku powiatu strzyżowskiego), [w:] Polityka migracyjna w obliczu współczesnych wyzwań. Teoria i praktyka, red. Henryk Chałupczak, Magdalena Lesińska, Ewa Pogorzała, Tomasz Browarek, Lublin, ss. 483-500.
  5. Kulpińska J. (2018), Multigenerational Migration Chains of Families from the Village of Babica – an Attempt to Create a Typology, "Polish American Studies", Autumn, ss.77-93.

Research projects: Impact of COVID-19-induced changes in Poland's immigration policy on the labor market, SocietyNow! ID UJ; The new norm(ality) - (changes in) immigrants' adaptation strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic, Young Labs ID UJ; Poles in Seattle 1880-2020. An Un-Imagined Community, Opus NCN; Migration from a Polish city to the United States at the turn of the 20th century, MINIGRANTS POB Heritage.

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Researcher at the Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies

Dr Karolina Czerska-Shaw

Dr Karolina Czerska-Shaw


Research interests: migration and integration policies and practices, local migration governance, civic participation and citizenship testing schemes, issues of belonging in transnational social spaces and international student mobility.

Selected publications:

Czerska-Shaw, K., Gora, M., Sekerdej, K., Styczynska, N., Warat, M. & Zielinska, K. (2022), Who's Dominating Whom? The Perception of (EU) Dominance in the Debate on the Future of Europe (December 7, 2022). EU3D Research Paper No. 26, 2022, Available at SSRN:

Czerska-Shaw, K., Krzyworzeka-Jelinowska, A., Mucha, J. (2022), Mobilizacja pomocy uchodźczyniom i uchodźcom ukraińskim w Krakowie. Obserwatorium Wielokulturowości i Migracji. Krakow, Uniwersytet Economiczy w Krakowie.

Czerska-Shaw, K., Krzaklewska, E. (2021), Uneasy belonging in the mobility capsule: Erasmus Mundus students in the European Higher Education Area, Mobilities, DOI: 10.1080/17450101.2021.1971053

Czerska-Shaw, K., Krzaklewska, E. (2021), The super-mobile student: Global Educational trajectories in Erasmus Mundus”, in Cairns, D. (Ed) The Palgrave Handbook of Youth Mobility and Educational Migration.

Kubicki, P. i Czerska-Shaw, K. (2020), Stosunek migrantów do usług publicznych oraz tworzenie więzi sąsiedzkich w mieście „globalizującym się”. Studium przypadku miasta Krakowa. Obserwatorium Wielokulturowości i Migracji. Krakow, Uniwersytet Economiczy w Krakowie.

Czerska-Shaw K., Galent, M., Gierat-Bieroń B. (eds) (2018), Visions and Revisions of Europe. Studies in Euroculture vol 4. Universitatsverlag Gottingen.

Czerska-Shaw, Karolina (2017), “The Ghost in the Machine: An Overview and Analysis of British Multiculturalism” Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny;, t. 43 nr 2 (164), s. 67-93


Research projects:

(2022-2024) PeaceRep: Rethinking peace & transition processes in a changing conflict landscape. Led by the London School of Economics (Conflict and Civicness Research Group), she focuses on the networks and activities of civil society organisations involved in the mobilisation of humanitarian aid in Poland and peace process in Ukraine.

(2022-2025) Horizon Europe: Research and Innovation Action: RECLAIM – reclaiming liberal democracy in Europe, where she will focus on counter-hegemonic discourses on the eastern borders of Europe, particularly from the point of view of civil society organisations.

(2019-2023) Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action: EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy,  where she studies the development and contestation of EU migration and asylum policies, particularly from the point of view of civil society actors.

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Researcher at the Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies

Dr. Ewa Modzelewska-Opara

Dr. Ewa Modzelewska-Opara

Assistant professor at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University (Department of the History of Enlightenment and Romantic Literature)

Scholarship holder of the Kosciuszko Foundation and SYLFF

Chair of the jury of the Małopolska Literary Competition for primary school students


Research interests: history of literature and culture of the 19th and 20th centuries, the long duration of Romanticism, emigration, the United States, Polish national identity, archival research

Selected publications:

  1. E. Modzelewska-Opara, Dorobek pisarski i misja kulturalna polskich emigrantów w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki w latach 1831-1842, Kraków 2022.
  2. E. Modzelewska, August Antoni Jakubowski – poeta rozpaczy. Życie i twórczość, Kraków 2015.
  3. A. A. Jakubowski, Major Aleksander, B. Dopart, J. Ławski, E. Modzelewska [komentarz], red. E. Modzelewska, Kraków 2016.
  4. Romantycy na krańcach świata [e-book], red. E. Modzelewska, P. Sobol, Kraków 2015.
  5. E. Modzelewska-Opara, „Poets and Poetry of Poland”, czyli skarbiec polskiej poezji otwarty dla Amerykanów, „Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum” 2021;
  6. E. Modzelewska-Opara, Obecność Juliusza Słowackiego w poezji współczesnej: rekonesans, [w:] Dziedzictwo Słowackiego w poezji polskiej ostatniego półwiecza: 1918-1968, Kraków 2021.
  7. E. Modzelewska-Opara, Debiuty Marcina Rosienkiewicza w Stanach Zjednoczonych, [w:] Debiuty Mickiewicza, debiuty Romantyków: studia w 200. rocznicę debiutu wieszcza: 1818-2018, Kraków 2021.
  8. E. Modzelewska, Podróż do Ameryki majora Józefa Hordyńskiego, [w:] „Sztuka Edycji” 2017, nr 1, vol. 11.
  9. E. Modzelewska, Digging up Polish History; Once Scholar’s Journey into the Polish Émigré Experience, [w:] „Cyrylic Manuscript Heritage”, Ohio State University 2016, vol. 39.
  10. E. Modzelewska, The Exile's Song and It is weary: American Poems by August Antoni Jakubowski „Ad Americam: Journal of American Studies” 2016, vol. 17.
  11. E. Modzelewska, Kategoria obcości w amerykańskim doświadczeniu Polaków po powstaniu listopadowym, [w:] Obcy w labiryncie kultur, red. T. M. Korczyński, A. Maria-Bukowska, Warszawa 2016.

Research projects:

NPRH, Ministry of Education and Science (contract no. 0213/NPRH6/H11/85/2018), Dictionary of Polish Literary Criticism 1764-1918 (preparation of two entries about emigrant poets: Paweł Sobolewksi and Marcin Rosienkiewicz)

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Researcher at the Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies

Dr hab. Dariusz Niedźwiedzki, prof. UJ

Dr hab. Dariusz Niedźwiedzki, prof. UJ


Director of the Institute of European Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (2012-2020); head of the Jagiellonian Center for Migration Studies (2014-2022); member of the  Committee on Migration Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2012), Vice-President of the Polish Society for European Studies (since 2019).

Scientific interests: the problems of constructing and reconstructing social identity, migration in Europe, social memory, ethnic conflicts, social and cultural changes in integrating Europe, and the relationship between culture and politics.

Selected publications in the field of migration studies:

  1. Galent, M,  I. Goddeeris, D. Niedźwiedzki (2009), Migration and Europeanization, Kraków: ZW Nomos.
  2. Niedźwiedzki, D. (2010), Migracje i tożsamość. Od teorii do analizy przypadku, Kraków: ZW Nomos.
  3. Niedźwiedzki, D. (2010), Migracja i tożsamość europejska. Polscy migranci niepełni wobec procesu integracji europejskiej, Studia Europejskie, nr 2, s. 89-116.
  4. Niedźwiedzki, D., (2012), Chapter 7. European Identity of Polish Pendulum Migrants, in: M. Góra, Z. Mach i K. Zielińska (eds.), Collective Identity and Democracy in the Enlarging Europe. Warsaw Studies in Culture and Society, Vol. 1, Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 139-160.
  5. Niedźwiedzki, D. (2016), Tożsamość europejska, narodowa, regionalna i lokalna polskich migrantów w Europie, Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, nr 1, s. 113-126. 
  6. Schmidt, J., D. Niedźwiedzki (red.) (2016), Społeczno-kulturowa identyfikacja cudzoziemców. Raporty  ekspertyzy, Poznań: Wydawnictwo UAM.
  7. Schmidt, J., D. Niedźwiedzki (red.) (2016), Społeczno-kulturowa identyfikacja cudzoziemców. Projekty szkoleniowe, Poznań: Wydawnictwo UAM.
  8. Niedźwiedzki, D. (2017), Kształcenie osób odpowiedzialnych za kontakty z imigrantami/cudzoziemcami. Uzasadnienie, dezyderaty i propozycje realizacji, Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, nr 2, 2017, s. 23-38.
  9. Niedźwiedzki, D., J. Schmidt (2020), Detencja cudzoziemców w Polsce. Perspektywa teoretyczno-metodologiczna, Kraków: ZW Nomos.
  10. Niedźwiedzki, D., J. Schmidt (2022), The Specific Nature of the Detention of Foreigners, and its Exploration. The Polish Context, Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, nr 4 (186), pp. 11-34.
  11. Niedźwiedzki, D. (2022),  People in Total Institutions. The Case of Border Guard Functionaries and Employees in Guarded Centres for Foreigners, Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, nr 4 (186), pp. 109-127.

Selected research projects: Pendulum migration and the processes of Europeanization and construction of European identity: the case of Polish emigrants in Belgium; Socio-cultural identification of foreigners; Social cohesion: a comparative study of the Polish-German and Polish-Ukrainian borderlands; In the footsteps of memory. Strategies for remembering Jewish culture in Galicia; Organization of space in Polish detention centers for foreigners.

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Researcher at the Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies

Dr Maciej Stępka

Dr Maciej Stępka


Research interests: critical security studies, crisis research, securitization of migration and border policies, including: detention and deportation of foreigners, EU migration and asylum policies, EU border management

Selected publications:

  1. M. Stępka (2023), “The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Another Step in the EU Migration-Security Continuum or Preservation of the Status Quo?”, Białostockie Studia Prawnicze 28(1), pp. 23-37, 10.15290/bsp.2023.28.01.02
  2. M. Stępka (2022), Identyfing Security Logics in the EU Policy Discourse: The “Migration Crisis” and the EU, Springer (IMISCOE Research Series), Cham, s. 215
  3. M. Stępka (2022), “Surveillance and Security in Immigrant Detention Centres in Poland. An Overview of Key Technologies and Practices”, Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny 186 (4), pp. 53-71., 10.4467/25444972SMPP.22.035.17208
  4. M. Stępka (2022), “In Anticipation of New Migration Crises: Resilience and Anticipatory Governance in the EU’s Migration Management Framework”, Politeja 19 (4 (79), pp. 151-165,
  5. D. Niedźwiedzki, J. Schmidt, M. Stępka, P. Tacik (2021), Strzeżone ośrodki dla cudzoziemców w Polsce jako kultura organizacyjna. Analiza prawna, politologiczna, socjologiczna i antropologiczna, Ekspertyza Komitetu Badań nad Migracjami Polskiej Akademii Nauk, s. 110,środki_strzeżone.pdf 
  6. M.Stępka (2021), Rezyliencja jako paradygmat bezpieczeństwa w czasach przewlekłych kryzysów, Przegląd Politologiczny, nr 02/2021,
  7. M. Stępka (2018), „Humanitarian Securitization of the 2015 “Migration Crisis. Investigating Humanitarianism and Security in the EU Policy Frames on Operational Involvement in the Mediterranean”, [w:] I. Sirkeci, E. de Freitas Castro, U. Sezgi Sozen (red.)  Migration Policy in Crisis, Transnational Press, London, s. 9-30

Research projects: Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in Europe (RECLAIM); Democratization in conflict-driven contexts - Building resilient democracies: a security-centred approach; Securitization of immigration crisis in the EU. A critical analysis of security discourses and narratives - NCN; Internal and external challenges to the European Union (EUCHAL)

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Researcher at the Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies

Dr hab. Magdalena Ślusarczyk, prof. UJ

Dr hab. Magdalena Ślusarczyk, prof. UJ

Associate Professor in the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University, member of the Committee on Migration Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Committee on Demographic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Member of the Editorial Board of Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora


Research interests: sociology of education, migration processes, transnational families, health, health capital and health competences in the context of social inequalities, health literacy

Selected publications:

  1. Baraldi, C., Farini, F., & Ślusarczyk, M. (2022). Facilitative practices to promote migrant children’s agency and hybrid integration in schools: discussing data from Italy, Poland and England, Language and Intercultural Communication, 1-16.
  2. Krzyżowski, Ł., K. Slany, M. Ślusarczyk (2017). Care Issues in the Transnational Families. A Polish Research Review, Polish Sociological Review, 3(199), 367-385.
  3. Pustułka, P., M. Ślusarczyk (2016), Cultivation, compensation and indulgence : transnational short-term returns to Poland across three family generations, Transnational Social Review, 6(1-2), 78–92.
  4. Ślusarczyk , M.(2019) Transnarodowe życie rodzin. Na przykładzie polskich migrantów w Norwegii. Cracow, Jagiellonian University Press.
  5. Ślusarczyk, M. A. Małek (2021), "He has a better chance here, so we stay" : children’s education and parental migration decisions (in:) Ryndyk Oleksandr, Suter Brigitte, Odden Gunhild (eds.), Migration to and from welfare states : lived experiences of the welfare–migration nexus in a globalised world, Springer, IMISCOE Research Series, 67-85.
  6. Ślusarczyk, M. P. Pustułka (2016). Norwegian Schooling in the Eyes of Polish Parents: From Contestations to Embracing the System, Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 5(1), 49–69.
  7. Ślusarczyk, M., Pustułka, P., & Struzik, J. (eds.) (2018). Contemporary migrant families: actors and issues. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  8. Ślusarczyk, M., Slany, K., Struzik, J., Warat, M. (2022). (In)visible learners or school as a space for negotiating integration? Challenges of working with migrant children through the lens of teachers, Edukacja Międzykulturowa, 4(19), DOI: 10.15804/em.2022.04.08.
  9. Slany, K., M. Ślusarczyk, P. Pustułka, E. Guribye (eds.) (2018). Transnational Polish families in Norway : social capital, integration, institutions and care. Frankfurt am Main ; Bern ; Bruxelles ; New York ; Oxford ; Warsaw ; Wien : Peter Lang.

Research projects: Gender, mobilities and migration during and post COVID-19 pandemic- vulnerability, resilience and renewal - GenMigra, Trans-Atlantic Platform for Social Sciences and Humanities- Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World, Light: Budowanie kapitału zdrowotnego. Rozwój kompetencji zdrowotnych uczniów szkół podstawowych (NCN OPUS), Child-UP: Children Hybrid Integration: Learning Dialogue as a way of Upgrading policies of Participation (H2020

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Researcher at the Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies

Dr Agnieszka Trąbka

Dr Agnieszka Trąbka

Member of Editorial Board of Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora


Research interests: post-2004 migration from Poland, place attachment of migrants, migrants’ identity and belonging, migrations in a life-span (mainly of youth and young adults), health and wellbeing in the context of migration.

Selected publications:

Dominika Blachnicka-Ciacek & Agnieszka Trąbka (2022). ‘Football was the key’: the role of sports in facilitating migrants’ belonging and inclusion in Poland, Leisure Studies, DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2022.2088834

Trąbka, A., Klimavičiūtė, L., Czeranowska, O., Jonavičienė D., Grabowska I., Wermińska-Wiśnicka I. (2022). Your heart is where your roots are? Place attachment and belonging among Polish and Lithuanian returnees. Comparative Migration Studies, 10, 29.

Blachnicka-Ciacek D., Trąbka A., Budginaite-Mackine I., Parutis V. & Pustulka P. (2021). Do I deserve to belong? Migrants’ perspectives on the debate of deservingness and belonging, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47:17, 3805-3821, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1932444

Trąbka A., Pustułka P. (2020). Bees & butterflies: Polish migrants’ social anchoring, mobility and risks post-Brexit, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46:13, 2664-2681, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1711721

Trąbka A. (2019) From functional bonds to place identity : place attachment of Polish migrants living in London and Oslo. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 62, 67–73. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2019.02.010

Research projects:

“Zaangażowanie na odległość. Wielostanowiskowa etnografia reakcji diaspory ukraińskiej na wojnę" (University of Warsaw, NCN OPUS, 2023-2026)

“MIMY: EMpowerment through liquid Integration of Migrant Youth in vulnerable conditions” (SWPS University, Horizon 2020, 2020-2023) 

“CEEYou(th): Youth from Central and Eastern Europe facing risks in the UK. The comparative study of Poles and Lithuanians in the context of Brexit” (SWPS University, NCN DAINA 1, 2018-2021)

„Wzory przywiązania do miejsca w kontekście migracji na przykładzie polskich migrantów poakcesyjnych” (Jagiellonian University, NCN MINIATURA, 2017-2018).

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Researcher at the Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies

Dr hab. Patrycja Trzeszczyńska, Prof. UJ

Dr hab. Patrycja Trzeszczyńska, Prof. UJ

Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, JU


Research interests: migration, diaspora, and diaspora-making processes in Central and East Europe, ethical issues and methodologies in migration studies, sensory ethnography, memory, gender studies.

Selected publications:

  1. Trzeszczyńska P., Pędziwiatr K., Wiktor-Mach D., 2023, Between needs, goods and services: Ukrainian immigrants on the Polish religious market, Social Compass (online first).
  2. Trzeszczyńska P., Demel G., 2023, Forming a Ukrainian Diaspora in Poland: a spell of ‘common culture’ and national naturalism, Nationalities Papers (in press).
  3. Trzeszczyńska P., Demel G., Błaszczak-Rozenbaum B., 2023, Heritage in diaspora-making processes: migrants, non-migrants and discontinuities of co-nationality, Journal of International Migration and Integration (in press).
  4. Trzeszczyńska P., Wiktor-Mach D., Pędziwiatr K., 2022, The Responses of Religious Communities to Migration and the Transformation of a Quasi-Monopolistic Religious Market, Studia Religiologica, Tom 55, Numer 2 (in press).
  5. Trzeszczyńska P., 2021, From nativeness to strangeness and back: Ascribed ethnicity, body work and contextual insiderness, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 51(6), 845–867.
  6. Trzeszczyńska P., 2020, Trzy autobusy. O niewidzialnej w studiach migracyjnych ucieczce Ukraińców z Polski w latach 80. XX w. i dlaczego nie są „polskimi migrantami”, Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, 2 (176), 31-52.
  7. Trzeszczyńska P., 2019, Diaspora – Pamięć – Miejsca. Ukraińcy z Polski z lat 80. XX wieku w Kanadzie. Studium etnograficzne, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2019, pp. 234.

Research projects:

Diaspora-making processes on the example of Ukrainian communities in Poland. Anthropological study, OPUS NCN; Forced migrants from Ukraine in Krakow, Observatory of Multiculturalism and Migration; Ukrainian diaspora in Poland: minority heritage and migration processes, POB Heritage ID UJ; Expats in Krakow and their strategies of settling in, Observatory of Multiculturalism and Migration; Multi-religious Krakow and migration processes, Observatory of Multiculturalism and Migration; Ukrainian Canadians born in Poland – memory, identity, homeland (Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS), University of Alberta, Petro Jacyk Program, Center for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (CERES), University of Toronto).

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Researcher at the Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies

Inna Voznyuk, MA

Inna Voznyuk, MA


Research interests: migration of specialists, socio-economic integration of migrants, entrepreneurship of migrants and refugees.

Research projects: Refugee entrepreneurship and socio-economic adaptation: the case of Ukrainians in Kraków agglomeration (No. DEC-2022/45/B/HS4/01960)

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